As a faith-based organization, our mission is one of service. At The Gardens, service means we are dedicated to the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our residents.
For our parent company, Bethesda Senior Living Communities, service also means investing in our communities through a greater mission. Since our organization’s founding in 1959, we have been serving our world by loving, giving and doing.
Below are two ways we continue to invest in our world. For more detailed information about our philanthropy this past year, please view our Social Accountability Report.
A sister organization of Bethesda Senior Living Communities, One Child Matters is a child sponsorship organization helping to meet the physical and spiritual needs of children in poverty-stricken areas around the world. Through its ministry programs, children receive food, education, medical aid and hope in Jesus Christ. By giving a donation, you can join One Child Matters in providing holistic care and assistance to over 40 thousand children internationally. To learn more or make a donation, visit
Since 1959, Bethesda Ministries has been sharing God’s love with the world through a variety of outreach programs: children’s centers and orphanages, meals for the hungry, buildings for ministry, Christian radio and more. These programs make a difference for tomorrow’s world—a difference our children and grandchildren will see and feel. To learn more about our ministry, Business for Benevolence,visit